Call for Proposals: Proof-of-Concept-2

torsdag 02 jul 20

Do you have research results with commercial potential of a new technology at the early stage of development?


As in 2019, you can now apply for DKK 250.000 or DKK 500.000 from INCOMs Proof-of-Concept (PoC) funding. As in 2019 a grand total of DKK 500.000 will be awarded.


The goal of the PoC is to eliminate or minimize the impact of commercial and technical risks while preparing for bringing the research results towards a market. The project can include technical activities, e.g. the need to show a prototype, cover salary costs, components (hardware) for prototypes, commercial and technical consultants, market reports, etc.


The INCOM PoC is addressing projects not yet linked to an industrial partner, thus an ultimate goal could be to create the basis for a spinout.

INCOM PoC Application Guideline

Team (500 characters)
Who has produced the results?
Who will be responsible for the PoC project?

Excellence (1500 characters)
State-of-the-art and novelty of research (clearly benchmark your work and why the PoC solution is unique)
Stage of technology and applicability as a product or service
IPR strategy
Relevance to INCOM, include which INCOM task to be addressed
Evaluation criteria: Novelty of the research results

Impact (1500 characters)
Describe the product/service you are targeting
Describe the customers
Market opportunity (addressable market, competition, business model, and pricing)
Give a rough estimate of return of investment if/when your product/service is on the market
Evaluation criteria: Commercialization potential 

Implementation (1500 characters)
Objective of PoC project
Description of work
Deliverable and milestone presented in Gantt charts
Risk assessment (Including a "Plan B" for those proposals that can be dramatically affected by disappointing midterm results. I.e. a single point of failure strategy)
Evaluation criteria: Efficiency of the PoC project

Option 1 (DKK 250.000) or option 2 (DKK 500.000)
Cost categories:
  - Salary
  - Other costs

Submitting your application
Applications can be submitted by any INCOM member. The proposal should be around 5000 characters and must include the above sections. The completed application should be handed in to Charlotte M. Larsen, no later than August 17, 2020.

Evaluation criterias
Applications are evaluated based on the key criterias: Excellence, impact, and implementation. Please see above.

The INCOM Advisory Board will provide assessment and recommendation to the INCOM Steering Committee, who will make the final decisions.

For more information, please contact Michael Holbech, DTU,

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