Test-network mimicking the real world

fredag 08 mar 19

The project INCOM has received the first delivery in form of a donation. The donation is the transmission equipment used in the previous version of the National Research and Education network. The donation is from DeiC.


“We are going to use the equipment to build a test-network mimicking the real world making it possible to install the new products and services developed by INCOM, in a network very much like the real live network. This will make it possible for the INCOM partners much better to be able to test and measure the performance of the products and services, compared to a true laboratory setup”, says Senior Project Manager Niels Hersoug from DTU Fotonik.


The products and services to be tested in the network could be advanced secure IoT (Internet of Things) services, secure cloud storage services, novel energy efficient optical transmission techniques in the access and datacenter networks, efficient CPU offload in Open Virtual Switches etc.


INCOM is a three-year, EUR 13,4 million (DKK 100 million) Grand Solutions project, which will create new solutions for the next generation of communications infrastructure.


INCOM has received EUR 8 million from Innovation Fund Denmark and is bringing together DTU, Aarhus University, and twelve Danish companies.


Read more here

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